Shared by @grunty_diecast (Instagram)
This is the Batmobile to be used in the upcoming 2022 film The Batman. Patterned after a muscle car, this mid-engined Batmobile is probably the first of its kind. As the film hasn't been released yet, I can't tell you much else. However, let's have Hot Wheels's description play us out here: A Batmobile like you've never seen before rumbles and roars through the dark and Gritty streets of Gotham City. It may be different in its design, but it is identical in its purpose: to get Batman where he's needed most and get him there with a vengeance.
Now this casting was designed by Manson Cheung and introduced in 2021 in the Mainline, as shown above. The car is painted in flat black with very few tampos; only the silvered engine and the taillamps and brake lamp are tampoed on. This is currently the casting's only release.